Entry Logo Rug for NIST

Project Assignment: Fabricate an entry logo rug for government agency – NIST Center for Neutron Research. Size: 4′ x 8′

entry logo rug for NIST gov research facility

You can have an entry logo rug too!

This was a fairly easy project. We used a non slip backing and color matched binding around the edges. Slick and modern looking.

NIST is known for establishing weights and measures for science and industry.

The NCNR is part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Its activities focus on providing neutron measurement capabilities to the U.S. research community.

The Center for Neutron Research is a national center for research using thermal and cold neutrons, offering its instrumentation for use by all qualified applicants. Many of its instruments rely on intense beams of cold neutrons emanating from an advanced liquid hydrogen moderator.

The NIST Center for Neutron Research: Over 40 Years Serving NIST/NBS and the Nation

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), with an annual budget of $50 million and a total staff of 217, is one of seven NIST laboratories. In 2017, NCNR served 2,769 users at the facility. It is an efficiently run neutron-scattering facility delivering 228 days of operation in 2017 with 98 percent reliability.

It has a robust safety program with no regulatory violations since the last panel assessment in 2015.1 Its reactor’s hydrogen cold source is scheduled for replacement with one based on deuterium in 2022, an operation that will require an 8- to 12-month shutdown, during which time several existing beam lines will be equipped with more efficient supermirror guides.

The commissioning of the Very Small Angle Neutron Scattering (vSANS) instrument is substantially complete, with the polarization capability still in progress at the time of this writing; vSANS will significantly improve the capabilities that the NCNR can offer the soft-matter community. The Chromatic Analysis Neutron Diffractometer or Reflector (CANDOR), which is scheduled to come on line in 2019, will enable new experiments to probe shorter timescales and improved polarized neutron measurements. The NeXT (Neutron and X-Ray Tomography) system, which began operation in 2016, cements NCNR’s continuing world leadership in neutron imaging.