Project Assignment: Design and Fabricate a spectacular logo carpet for District Court facility in Montana. Size 5′ diameter

Fabricating a logo carpet for a state government courthouse in Montana
Use your imagination here. We start with a full size template of the logo carpet. Then all those little details, the lettering, the stars, the different colors. They are all inlaid, like a mosaic, into the main background colors. We use special glues and adhesives to lock it all in place. This creates a durable custom logo carpet that truly impresses your visitors. see more government related logo carpet projects here.
State of Montana
The Montana Courthouse is located in Missoula, MT. Missoula is located along the Clark Fork River near its confluences with the Bitterroot and Blackfoot Riversin western Montana and at the convergence of five mountain ranges, thus it is often described as the “hub of five valleys”
About those Judges
Chief judges have administrative responsibilities with respect to their district court. Unlike the Supreme Court, where one justice is specifically nominated to be chief, the office of chief judge rotates among the district court judges. To be chief, a judge must have been in active service on the court for at least one year, be under the age of 65, and have not previously served as chief judge. A vacancy is filled by the judge highest in seniority among the group of qualified judges. The chief judge serves for a term of seven years or until age 70, whichever occurs first. The age restrictions are waived if no members of the court would otherwise be qualified for the position.
When the office was created in 1948, the chief judge was the longest-serving judge who had not elected to retire on what has since 1958 been known as senior status or declined to serve as chief judge. After August 6, 1959, judges could not become or remain chief after turning 70 years old. The current rules have been in operation since October 1, 1982.